
Christian, another young man who surrenders himself to the service of God and the poor

APR 19, 2024

On April 8, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, Cristian, the young candidate originally from Colombia, received the Scapular Vest as a sign of his service to the poorest. He is a member of the Saint Augustine community which is composed by young men who spend a year in the service of God and the poorest. From now on, their task will be to help in the different places we serve such as the Saint Tarcisius Home, the Saints Francisco and Jacinta Marto School, and the missions in the Alta Cordillera. Cristian arrived in December 2023 from the Department of Huila, Palermo, Colombia. He met us through one of our Priests, Father Carlos, msp, who is from the same town, and after talking to Father about his vocational search, Father Carlos encouraged him to come to Peru to continue his discernment.

We are all called to heed the voice of God. We are happy for Cristian, but we must also encourage ourselves to follow our vocation. Let us remember that,  “The word ‘vocation’ does not have to be understood in a restrictive sense, referring it only to those who follow the Lord on the path of a particular consecration. We are all called to participate in Christ's mission to reunite scattered humanity and reconcile it to God.” (Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 59th World Day of Prayer for Vocations)