MAY 31, 2022
Because of the pandemic, our boys and girls were not able to return to school and so many of the activities we did in person had to be cancelled. However, after two difficult years, our boys and girls are able to return to the classroom. We believe that in-person contact is where the child assimilates the faith and learns to interact and live with others in direct relationships and not through a screen.
Along with all the academic activities we have begun again, we have restarted Eucharistic Adoration in our schools. From the time the kids arrive at school, the Blessed Sacrament is solemnly exposed and remains exposed all day until the children return home. It is beautiful to see the children taking their turns at adoration.
They intercede for you all and we know how God loves to hear the prayer of children. “Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them” (Mt 19:14).