
Preparing the sacraments: Happy Marriage

NOV 16, 2021

With great joy we have accompanied Lizet and Yobel on the day of their wedding. This couple has been preparing themselves for several months. They have been wanting to get married for three years but they were unable to for family reasons. At the beginning of this year when we began catechism in Boca de Sapo, their desire to get married in the Church returned. They signed up their son for First Communion and themselves for preparation for the sacrament of marriage.

One week before the wedding, the father of the bride died suddenly of cirrhosis in the province of Acomayo, Cuzco and the wedding had to be postponed again. They went to the funeral taking their little girls with them and leaving their son with his paternal grandparents. Thanks be to God, they overcame this difficult trial with faith and strength. They assured us that everything they had learned in the marriage classes had helped them in their time of trial.


After three weeks of mourning, they prepared for the wedding again but their family said that it wasn’t good to get married while mourning and that they should wait at least a month. The bride faced all the obstacles with courage saying what would make her father happier and that she could help him better being in a state of grace. She would offer the Holy Mass for him and her communion for the eternal rest of his soul. After surmounting all these obstacles, the wedding was happily celebrated. We give thanks to God.