
“Whoever receives one child such as this in my name receives me” (Mt 18:5)

OCT 10, 2021

Many children in Peru and elsewhere have suffered the difficult consequences of this pandemic since, as always, the poor and defenseless are those who suffer most.

Our Saint Tarcisius Home for poor and orphaned boys has recently received some boys living in conditions that are hard to imagine. For example, one of our boys named Anthony Ronaldo was found under a bridge. First he was taken to a state facility but unfortunately he escaped a few days later. Through the pure grace and mercy of God, we believe that his guardian angel brought him to the Home and now we can care for him with all our love and affection.

We say here that our prayer must be “full of faces” and this is what happens every day to us Missionary Servants of the Poor since each day we bring our children into the presence of the Lord and pray much for them that God may do great and beautiful things in these little ones. Because, though they are poor and disabled, they possess the great dignity of being beloved children of God. The most beautiful part of our missionary life is helping the children to discover that they are very loved by their true Father Who is God Himself and by His beautiful mother Mary.


We ask you to pray frequently for them and for us poor instruments of God so that we may know how to serve them who are the Face of Christ.