
“Women after the Heart of Jesus”

JUL 16, 2021

In Guadalajara, by the grace and blessing of God, we were able to put on our first day of reflection for women 15-35 years old entitled “Women after the Heart of Jesus.” Twenty-five women participated, girls, catechists, and some mothers. The goal of this meeting was to encourage these women to live conformed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We had time for Eucharistic Adoration, reflections, group sharing, the Rosary, and the testimony of the Mr. and Mrs. Salazar. We ended the day with offerings and prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Everyone was grateful and happy for this experience and reencounter with Jesus in their lives.

We thank God that during these difficult times there are still souls with a great desire to satisfy their hunger and thirst for God. We are sure that the Lord will bless their families and that they will be able to live daily the teaching of Jesus:  “Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls” (Mt 11:29). We also thank everyone who accompanied us spiritually with their prayers.

In the next few months we will have a vocations retreat for young people who feel called by God. We commend it to your prayers.

May God and the Most Holy Virgin Mary bless you!

United in the hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Missionary Servants of the Poor Sisters in Guadalajara