Testimonial Sr. Sayda Condori Quispe

give thanks to the lord for he is good, His mercy endures forever” (psalm 107)

I was born in Ccolcaqui, Quispicanchis. I studied at the Saint Maria Goretti school. I want to share with you a little about my life so you can better understand the beautiful gift that the Lord has given me, the vocation of being a missionary.

My mother became seriously ill. When she got home from the hospital her health wasn’t what it was before and my greatest desire was to study medicine to be able to help her better. I was very enthusiastic about his idea and liked to practice on sick guinea pigs and hens or even dead ones.

At school we saw a video on the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta which really impressed me. At one time I thought I wanted to be like her, a missionary to help the poor, but I didn’t take this desire very seriously. I also felt less desire to be a doctor. My father realized this and encouraged me with videos and books. It got more of my attention when I saw the Sisters at school. I didn’t dare ask them anything at Mass on Sundays. My desire to be a missionary increased. I wondered how one becomes a religious. How does one enter?

Some of my friends were aspirants and I asked them how to join. When they told me how I decided I wanted to be an aspirant but I was afraid of my father, especially because how he acted when things didn’t go his way. I didn’t dare tell him of my desire. I was waiting for the right moment to tell my father but my older sister beat me. She didn’t know of my desire. It was hard, especially that moment of separation. The Lord gave him the strength to face it. I was surprised by the courage he had to face that situation. I waited a year without telling my parents of my desire although they asked me constantly if I wanted to be a Sister too. They said, “You aren’t thinking like your sister, are you?!” and I said that for nothing in the world would I become a Sister. I wanted to be a doctor.

"Con la ayuda de Dios y de la Virgen María, pude entrar y llevo casi cinco años en la comunidad"

"At school we saw a video on the life of Mother Teresa of Calcutta which really impressed me"

The Sisters came to visit us again for a retreat. I fearfully asked my father for permission and the Lord helped me. At first he didn’t give permission and it was very hard for me. A few hours later he called me and signed the authorization with the condition that it would be the first and only time and asked me again if I was thinking like my sister. I was a coward and said, “No way!” I felt like Peter when he denied Jesus.

With the help of God and the Virgin Mary, I was able to enter and have been in the community almost five years. By the grace of God I made my first vows in October of 2018. They gave me the responsibility of the bakery where I deepen my love for the Eucharist. I keep in my mind and heart the words of Father Giovanni:  As dough must be submitted to the heat of the oven to be transformed into nutritious bread, so our lives must be introduced to and transformed by the fire of love that Christ transmits to us in the Eucharist so we become broken bread for the poor and also living Eucharists.

"Broken bread for the poor and also living Eucharists"